App Starts Module

The App Starts module records metrics from spans in ui.load transactions using specific span operations.

Transaction Conventions

Transaction Measurements

app_start_coldmillisecondsThe time it took to load the first frame during a cold app startrequired for cold app starts
app_start_warmmillisecondsThe time it took to load the first frame during a warm app startrequired for warm app starts

Span Conventions

Span Operations

Span OPDescriptionConditions
app.start.coldAn operation during cold startAt least one span with the description "Cold Start" must be present in a transaction
app.start.warmAn operation during warm startAt least one span with the description "Warm Start" must be present in a transaction
db.sql.queryA database query-
dbAn operation on the database-
file.readReading a file from the file system-
file.writeWriting to a file on the file system-
http.clientAn outgoing network request-
ui.loadAn operation on a mobile UI-

Android-Specific Span Operations

Span OPDescription
activity.loadCalling onCreate for an activity
application.loadCalling the application onCreate
contentprovider.loadCalling onCreate for a content provider
db.sql.roomA database query using the Room library
process.loadDuration of time spent by the OS prior to the first content provider initialization
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